This is the C++11 Features list. It explains the C++ 11 features in detail with the help of examples and source code in a simple way.
C++11 features list
C++ 11 Basics
- auto
- uniform initialization
- range based for loops
- nullptr
- scoped enum
- override keyword
- final keyword
- deleted function
- defaulted function
- constexpr
- noexcept
- decltype
C++ 11 Multithreading
- std::async with future
- std::async with shared future
- std::async with std::launch
- std::async with wait
- std::async with lambdas
- std::packaged_task
- std::thread
- std::thread with promise
- std::mutex
- std::condition variable
- std::atomic
C++11 Function Adaptors
C++ 11 Smart Pointers
- unique pointer
- shared pointer
- weak pointer