It is class in c++11, we can create a thread and start it just declaring an object of this class like any other object in c++. Example:
std::thread T1 (threadfunction, other argument if required)
There are two type of thread:
- Joinable (Main thread will wait for it using API join(T1.join())
- Detachable (Main thread will not wait for it, make it detachable using API T1.detach())
source code with example:
#include<iostream> #include<thread> void ThreadFunction(int a) { std::cout<<"ThreadFunction:"<<a<<std::endl; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)*a); return ; } int main() { std::cout<<"Simple Thread Functionalities"<<std::endl; //Thread 1 and its joinable std::thread t1(ThreadFunction, 5); std::cout<<"Thread started, thread id:"<<t1.get_id()<<std::endl; //Thread 2 and its detachable, main thread will NOT wait for it. std::thread t2(ThreadFunction, 2); std::cout<<"Thread started, thread id:"<<t2.get_id()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Thread detaching, thread id:"<<t2.get_id()<<std::endl; t2.detach(); //Thread 1 joinable so main thread is waiting for t1 to fininsh std::cout<<"Waiting for T1 to finish"<<std::endl; t1.join(); return 0; };