It is library function and it is used to bind the set of parameters to the function and return the function object, using returned function object we can call the function. Example:
auto f = std::bind(add,1,2,std::placeholders::_1);//bind function //add => this is actual function //1, 2 => are available parameters //std::placeholders::_1 => It is placeholder(remaining parameter), this parameter is not present //int third = 5 => This is remaining parameter, now it is available and we can call the function f(third);//f(third) => Invoking add function with parameter(1,2,5)
When will we use it (What is the Objective/purpose of std::bind):
- When we want to pass the function logic as argument to algorithm (std::bind returns the function pointer, we can pass this to algorithm ).
- When we don’t have all parameters (we will get at run time) so we can bind the function with available parameters using std::bind and we can complete the call after getting remaining parameter(es).
Advantage /Important points:
- We may not always be able to get all the parameters of a function at one time so we can bind function with available parameters and we can complete the call when remaining parameter is available.
- Some time we don’t known the return type then using auto we can mitigate this problem.
- std::bind always binds the parameter with function by “pass by value”.
- If we wants to pass the parameter “pass by reference” then we need to add std::ref or std::cref.
Header file:
source code with example:
/* Program: std::bind Author: Alpha Master Date: 27 Feb 2021 */ //Header File #include<iostream> #include<functional> //Function takes 3 parameters int add(int a, int b, int c) { return(a+b+c); } int main() { std::cout<<"std::bind"<<std::endl; //std::bind, it uses to bind the parameter(es) to function auto f = std::bind(add,1,2,std::placeholders::_1); std::cout<<"Enter the third parameter"<<std::endl; int third = 0; std::cin>> third; //invoke function pointer returned by bind std::cout<<"Result:"<<f(third)<<std::endl; return 0; }
std::bind Enter the third parameter 6 Result:9