This container comes under sequential container. It is template class to store element of any type (in build as well as user defined data type) in sequentially order. It provides the same interface as vector and BUT it has extra feature it can do fast insertion and deletion at beginning as well as end of container (vector does not do fast insertion and deletion at beginning). In other word it has both property of vector and list.
Header File
Key Points
- Good performance for insertion and deletion at both beginning and end.
- It does not store element in continuous memory.
- It can grow both side (unlike vector grow only in one direction).
- Performance while Insertion or deletion at middle is NOT good.
Source code of std::deque with example
/* Program: STL Deque Author: Alpha Master Date: 15 September 2021 */ //Header File #include<iostream> #include<deque> //Display function the show the content of list void display(std::deque<int>& lst) { //using iterate to transverse the list and display the content std::deque<int>::iterator itr; for(itr = lst.begin(); itr != lst.end(); itr++) { std::cout<<*itr<<" "; } std::cout<<std::endl; } int main() { std::cout<<"STL Deque"<<std::endl; //Create empty deque object std::deque<int> lst; std::cout<<"size:"<<lst.size()<<std::endl; //Add element in vector at end lst.push_back(1); lst.push_back(2); lst.push_back(3); lst.push_back(4); lst.push_back(5); std::cout<<"size:"<<lst.size()<<std::endl; //display content display(lst); //Add element at begining lst.push_front(11); lst.push_front(12); //display display(lst); //Access using index std::cout<<"Random access, get 3 position element:"<<lst[2]<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Random access, get 6 position element:"<<lst[5]<<std::endl; return 0; }
STL Deque size:0 size:5 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 Random access, get 3 position element:1 Random access, get 6 position element:4